Hafa Adai and Tirow Woomi!
On behalf of the Northern Marianas College family, I welcome you to our website.
The website is part of the College's heightened efforts to increase our students' and the community's access to timely and useful information. In these pages you will see regularly-updated information about our program offerings, upcoming events, new announcements, career opportunities, and other services.
I encourage you to browse through the site and learn about our exciting projects being undertaken by CREES, CDI, and other community programs. Or, explore how you can become active in student organizations such as ASNMC or Phi Theta Kappa.
Whether you're thinking of obtaining a degree or taking a non-credit course, the NMC family will strive to make your educational experience an outstanding and rewarding one.
We look forward to serving you. Thanks for visiting us!
Best wishes,
Dr. Galvin Deleon Guerrero, EdD
President of the Northern Marianas College